Latest Episodes

[bonus] Moving to Boulder, CO from Bozeman, MT
Our heroes talk about living in Bozeman and moving. My wife got a great job offer so we moved to the Boulder, CO area...

70 vs 500 Posts & making $2,500/Month [Success Story] – DS022
In this success story interview, I talk to Duke about his 2 Amazon Affiliate Sites. This is an update — Duke joined us back...

Hitting $1,000/Month-Five Figure Niche Site Success Story – DS021
This is an update with Marty, back from episode 2. He was making $500 per month but he’s been growing and now he’s at...

Mackenzie Fly – YouTuber and Digital Nomad – DS020
I interview Mackenzie Fly, a Digital Nomad and World Traveler, in this episode. We talk about: Transitioning to nearly full time travel from a...

Zoey Arielle – YouTuber, Digital Nomad, Author – DS019
Zoey is a Digital Nomad & YouTuber living in Rome, Italy. She started out working a corporate gig doing event marketing. Then, she transitioned...

Elise Darma Side Hustle Digital Nomad – DS018
This is another interview with a side hustler and traveler. I talk to Elise Darma who grew her side hustle to a full-time gig...